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Curriculum Structure and Organization

Our school-based Science (S1-2) curriculum is in alignment with the newly updated Science Education KLA Curriculum Framework (CDC 2017) as depicted in the following figure.


Refer to Science Education - Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1-Secondary 6) (CDC, 2017) and Supplement to the Science Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide: Science (Secondary 1-3) (CDC, 2017) for the detailed description of the above figure.


The structure and organization of our school-based Science (S1-2) curriculum closely follows the design of the newly updated Science (S1-3) curriculum (CDC, 2017), except that our curriculum does not cover S3 level.


The following figure is a diagrammatic representation of our Science (S1-2) curriculum framework, which comprises three interconnected components: Learning Targets, Curriculum Emphases, and the Units of study.

Curriculum framework_rev.png

Refer to Supplement to the Science Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide: Science (Secondary 1-3) (CDC, 2017) for the detailed description of the above three components.

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